Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Remote desktop for Kubuntu

There's a build-in remote desktop server but it's either immature or it I don't have it configured properly. Go To Start->Internet->krfb (Desktop Sharing). To configure it for always on (for example, when you want to work from home), press Configure and check the "Allow uninvited connections" and uncheck the "Confirm uninvited connections. Set a password to help prevent unauthorized accesses.

When you get fed up with krfb crashing, install Xrealvnc. Running it with a ":1" parameter sets up a new window running the configured desktop. While you won't have access to currently running applications on the default desktop (:0), you will have access to the panel. From the remote computer, use a VNC viewing program with the URL vnc:/{hostname or ip}:1.

Currently, I use the following steps to work from home:

1. Establish VPN connection to network.
2. SSH into my remote box (acting as the server)
3. Launch "Xrealvnc :1"
4. Launch Kubuntu's Krdc and use the URL: vnc:/

You could also use any old vnc viewer, adjusting the URL as appropriate.


Alternatively, installing x11vnc and running it as the vnc server will share the running desktop when connected to with a vnc viewer client. It's my new preferred method to work from home.

Now if I could only get my VPN connection configured properly in Kubuntu Gutsy.