Thursday, July 16, 2009

Web client for Firebird database

I had a need to do quick sql query and wanted to do it using a web app (rather than launching a command line tool or dbVis/SQuirrelL), so I found this package:

Which provides a web interface to firebird. I had to do the following to get it installed and running:

  1. Install ibWebAdmin
    Not necessarily to your $HOME/public_html, we can set up a soft link later
  2. Have Apache installed and running (These instructions assume Apache 2)
  3. Have php5 installed and running and configured for Apache2
    3a. You'll also need the php5-interbase plugin (sudo apt-get install php5-interbase)
  4. Have Apache serving up a personal directory (http://localhost/~{username})
    Edit /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/{site}, adding the following lines beneath <virtualHost>
    <IfModule mod_userdir.c>
    UserDir public_html
    <Directory "/home/{user}/public_html">
    AllowOverride Options
  5. (optional) Soft link ibWebAdmin installation in public_html
  6. Configure ibWebAdmin to serve up databases in non-standard directories
    Edit {ibWebAdminHome}/inc/ and change the ALLOWED_DIR to an empty array by commenting the default value and uncommenting the empty array declaration

Now go to your browser http://localhost/~{username}/ibWebAdmin

1 comment:

Darrick said...

Cool! I'll let you set this up for me @ x.147 please!