Monday, June 6, 2011

The bat of 2011 - part 1

I pray that it's the only one this summer.

As I lay in bed, resting soundly, I was awakened by a small bump. Anne frequently opens the window but not the blind, so I just assumed it was the blind blowing in the wind and bumping against the window frame. Then I heard the flutter of a wing and knew the terrible truth that would prevent me from getting a good nights sleep. A bat had broken through our perimeter defenses.

I opened my eyes and my worst fears were realized. A bat doing laps around the bedroom ceiling. I leaned over and tapped Anne. Startled, she yelled "WHAT?!" There's a bat in here. "WOOOOOO", and the sheets were pulled over her head. She apparently believes the myth about bats getting caught in womens hair.

So we both laid there waiting for each other to make a move. Finally I said "lets proceed in a calm and orderly fashion to the door", and we made our move. Thankfully, we were able to close the bedroom door behind us with the bat trapped in the room.

I peeked in, opening the door a crack to verify that the little jerk was still doing laps looking for an exit strategy. This went on for about 5 minutes.

Read on! Part 2

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