I periodically opened the door a crack to get a glimpse of our visitor having his way with our bedroom. Zoom, zip, swoop, then finally a landing. He landed first on the curtains near the open window, looked around a bit, then climbed down to the floor.
Bats are actually kinda cute when they're crawling. He was turning his head left and right, looking for the Exit sign, but not finding one. So he started flying again.
He landed a second time beneath the curtains on the floor and crawled along the baseboard. I was ready to jump in with my shoe box to catch him, when I saw him jump/fall into the heat/ac register on the floor. The openings are quite literally an inch square and he just plopped right in like they were sized just for him.
I rushed into the room and put a big piece of cardboard over the register, then ran down to the basement to close the vent off. Now he was trapped in the ductwork. I tossed around in my head what my next move would be, but ultimately decided to return to sleep since I had to wake up at 5:30am to teach a Spinning class.
So having had naughty Mr. Bat trapped, I carried on with my day. I came home tonight and rigged up an intricate system of levers and pulleys to trap Mr. Bat. Actually I made a little tightly contained chute leading from the vent to the window.
At about 9:30, Mr. Bat showed his ingenuity by escaping and terrorizing Anne and the kids. This time I trapped him in William's room. I peeked in and there was no activity. Poor dude was probably tired. Anyway, I found him on the back of a curtain. I carefully lowered the upper pane of the window and coaxed him out!
I hope that's the end of the saga, as the Bat Man (batproofer) is coming over tomorrow to figure out how they're getting in and seal it up for us.
Keep your fingers crossed that he can fix it and that the bat that I let out was the same bat that got in last night. (the other possibility being a second bat)
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